Women's football and the man fan

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Women's football and the man fan

Post by Marth »

I was at a game yesterday and the away fans (about ten men and one woman) were extremely loud and very vocal. Obviously to cheer on their team playing away.

It was just this absolute barrage of mens voices, chanting, mocking, etc. All standard stuff.

I'm not a massive live sports attender though I really like women's football, so I don't really have any idea, but I was wondering is that ok?

I felt like women can't even have their own football now without it being taken over by men bringing their men's football vibe to the game.

It's probably ok, but it annoyed me.
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Re: Women's football and the man fan

Post by sally maclennane »

I think its probably quite standard for football tbh, especially away fans. I've been to loads of Celtic games (mens team) but I wouldn't go to away matches, they always attract a rougher crowd. I'd say crowds at the women's teams generally are nicer, more family oriented but it's inevitable that if the women's game gets bigger, then the crowds will be more mixed.
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Re: Women's football and the man fan

Post by Turtle Bean »

The matches I've been going to have a lot of men attending, usually with their children but I suspect some just want to watch live football and can't afford premier league prices. There is still a nice family vibe though. I must admit I've never sat with the away fans but the Aston Villa fans were really loud at the last match I went to and I quite liked it, made for a really great atmosphere. So far I haven't encountered any poor male behaviour at matches.
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Re: Women's football and the man fan

Post by Bat Macdui »

I think quite a few of the men have been supporters for a long time, as well, which has helped get the women's game off the ground. I haven't seen anything I've not liked, so far, but I haven't been going for long. You do occasionally get some bloke trying to get a tribal chant going, but it never really takes off. I was talking about this with R last time I went. It's not really in women to stand there and bellow UNITED at top whack for no reason. :)) We're socialised to be quiet and not draw attention to ourselves. I like that what you mostly get is a high pitched, multi-voiced squeak when something exciting happens.

The only man I've disapproved of at a match so far was this bloke who was with his teenage daughter, criticised all the play, ceaselessly, and stood there with his arms firmly folded when they scored, the miserable bastard. :lg: Conversely, last time we went there was a raft of pre-teens in front of us and I was actually a bit 'are they old enough to be out alone??' Then at half time, two achingly hipster Dads appeared, distributed chocolate and drinks, then disappeared, and when I went to the loo later they were drinking coffee and leaning about under the stands, where it was warmer. :))
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Re: Women's football and the man fan

Post by Ruby »

Having been to both men's and women's football live, the men at women's football are much less cunty. That doesn't sound pleasant, Marth, but live men's football is horrible. Apart from the chanting/mocking, you often get men being complete miserable bastards who clearly hate their own team. I don't mind a chant/ song though.

The atmosphere at the women's match I went to was so good and when I went into work on the Monday, all of the girls in my form had been too and wanted to chat with me about it. :cry: I felt all emosh.
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Re: Women's football and the man fan

Post by Tsu »

I know that rugby is a different animal but the women's rugby is very well attended here at our local club (Sandy Park Exeter). It may have something to do with the tickets being so much cheaper than for the chaps but it's a good mix of male and female fans and all supporters sit together with no trouble at all, no shouty swearing and you can have a beer at your seat.
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Re: Women's football and the man fan

Post by Marth »

I liked seeing all the women and girls there with their green game tags on their bags afterwards when we walked for the bus.

There was a very funny moment when the away fans mocked the bloke's son's tracksuit (it was LOUD) "We're from South London and we're slagging off your hoody" . Justified I thought :mog:
But on the whole they dominated like it was a male game and not like they were actually chanting against a whole block of under 10 yr old girls.
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